Yoga classes contribute to the development of a healthy body, a healthy mind, and healthy thought. It also helps one achieve a balanced, harmonious and integrated development of all aspects of their personalities. Yoga is a pathway to true, happy, and healthy living.
The Eight Fold Path of Yoga (not to be confused with Buddha's Eight Fold Path), from sage Patanjali’s yoga sutra delves deeply into the mortality of living and explores the human psyche. It consists of: Yama (self restraint), Niyama (self observance) Asana, Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (identification with pure consciousness). To most people yoga means postures (Asanas) to develop flexibility, general body health and of course, awareness. However, this is merely the beginning. While yoga's central theme remains the highest goal of the spiritual path, yogic practices can give direct and tangible benefits to everyone regardless of their spiritual aspirations.
Yoga and meditation are inter-related. Part of Lord Buddha's contribution to humanity was to focus on meditation to develop Samadhi (while focusing on a platform of ethics and morality). You can choose whether to focus wholly on yoga, or more specifically on meditation, or get your fill of both of these.
There are many classes from which to choose. Kathmandu has many practitioners/Ayurvedic healers who hold yoga as a primary source for the treatment of illness. Kathmandu is where most of the yoga institutions are concentrated and they have generated considerable interest. There are yoga centers everywhere and particularly around Thamel, the tourist district. Keep an eye out for notices on the bulletin boards of hotels and restaurants where you will find flyers and brochures detailing classes and courses on yoga.
Source: Nepal Tourism Board